1 to 1 Student Learning


Students enrolled in Preschool through Twelfth grade have the opportunity to take part in Knob Noster's One-to-One learning environment. As a part of One-to-One, your student(s) will receive a device for use at school and home. Teachers will use this tool to engage your student in a more student-centered and authentic learning experience. Please review the information in the Digital Handbook and complete the forms to ensure your student will have the opportunity to bring his or her device home each night.


Knob Noster Public Schools has taken many steps to provide a rich and relevant learning experience for all students in an effort to prepare them for college and career. As a part of this effort, Knob Noster's Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) places emphasis on developing student's 21st century skills.

The focus is on classroom learning, not the device. The curriculum of each class drives the learning while teachers leverage the technology to help students gain a deeper understanding of the content. Students have extended opportunities to collaborate, create, conduct research, problem solve and develop a variety of digital skills. The technology provides the students with experiences and resources that wouldn't otherwise be available in the classroom. We focus on the following key areas in our one-to-one implementation:
  • 21st Century Learning Skills
  • Engagement
  • Technology Skills
  • Supporting Academic Achievement

For more information about our 21st Century initiative, please see the slideshow below: