Student Health

Healthy students are a priority in Knob Noster Public Schools, and we work together with both parents and health departments to keep our students healthy. We have health room staff in each building, ready to assist students as needed.


The state of Missouri sets the requirements for the immunizations that are required to enter school in all Missouri school districts. The link below provides the state's updated list of immunization requirements.

State Immunization Requirements for 2024-2025


Medications will be given during school hours when absolutely necessary. We encourage dosage schedules which allow medicine to be taken before and after school. When this is not possible, health services personnel will follow the guidelines below when administering medication to your child at school. If your child will need special assistance or additional monitoring to take their medication at school, please contact the health services staff to discuss your student's needs.

District Policy JHCD - Administration of Medications to Students


The following forms are provided for families whose students have a medical condition that requires an action plan:

Seizure Action Plan
Bee-Wasp Sting Allergy Action Plan
Food Allergy Assessment
Food Allergy Action Plan
Asthma Action Plan


The Federal Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), part of the MO HealthNet for Kids program, is a health insurance program for uninsured children of low-income families who do not have access to affordable health insurance. Click here for more information.