Community Events

Community Events and Programs

This page provides a digital library of flyers about community events and programs of interest to our families.
FCCLA Fresh Strawberries Fundraiser February 6-19
Art Contest - KN Small Town Charm Cookbook February 3-19
Title I / Title IV Consultation Meeting February 19
5th & 8th Grade Transition Meetings February 25, 26, & 27
25-26 Early Learning Screenings March and June
WE Kindergarten Screenings April 16
KNE Kindergarten Screenings April 17

Businesses or organizations may have an advertisement or flyer posted on the website providing it meets the guidelines and has been approved by district personnel. Knob Noster Public Schools has established the following guidelines for flyer approval. Approval of flyers is subject to the following criteria:

  • The organization, program, or event is child- and/or family-related.
  • The organization, program, or event supports the overall mission of Knob Noster Public Schools.
  • The organization, program, or event provides support through local Knob Noster Public Schools partner organizations.
  • The organization, program, or event does not directly compete with local Knob Noster organizations or Knob Noster Public Schools partner organizations.
  • The program is held locally in Knob Noster or Whiteman AFB.

Approval of your flyer does not imply District endorsement of any identified product and/or of services.

Flyers generated and distributed by a school site PTO, Knob Noster Education & Security Trust (KNEST), Knob Noster Athletics and Student Clubs/Organizations, and the City of Knob Noster will receive a higher priority. District school site administrators will refer all organization, program, or event coordinators to the district communications office for flyer approval.

If your flyer meets the above criteria, please email [email protected] the following information:

  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone Number and Email Address
  • Proposed flyer material attached in PDF format only. The file size cannot exceed 2 megabytes.

A district office staff member will be in touch via email as to the status (approved or denied) of proposed flyers as soon as possible. Please submit flyers a minimum of 3 weeks before the event or program takes place.

Upon approval of your flyer, you will be contacted by the communications office. Approved flyers are posted online on our Community Events webpage and on the Knob Noster Public Schools mobile app under Community Flyers.

Knob Noster Public Schools Policy KI prohibits advertising of commercial products, services, and/or religious beliefs in school buildings and/or on school grounds or properties.