Knob Noster Public Schools welcomes comments/posts as a means of engaging in conversation. To keep our social media focus on celebrating and supporting our schools, students and teachers, as well as sharing District initiatives, emergency information, and accomplishments, comment/posting guidelines have been created.
1. Each account is moderated and all comments/posts are reviewed by the Knob Noster Public Schools Communications Department.
2. To ensure conversations remain informative, respectful of diverse viewpoints, and lawful, comments including the following are not permitted:
-OFF TOPIC - Comments not related to the original subject of page entries will be removed.
-SPAM - Comments focused on selling a product or service will not be posted.
-PERSONAL ATTACKS - If a reader disagrees with a post, the District encourages direct contact to the Communications Department. Community members are asked to refrain from personal attacks or being disrespectful of others.
-ILLEGAL - Laws governing use of copyrights, trade secrets, etc., will be followed.
-LANGUAGE - Comments including, but not limited to: profanity, discriminatory language, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive or derogatory content, threats, obscene, or sexually explicit content will be deleted. This includes specific names of teachers, students, and other Knob Noster Public Schools employees and patrons.
-LINKS - Links posted by fans to outside websites will not be permitted for any purpose.